What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a family or general dentist?

Pediatric dentists are specialized in the care of infants and children through adolescence. They are also trained to provide care to children with special health needs. The American Academy of Pediatrics describes pediatric dentist as the ‘pediatricians of dentistry’. Dr. Jason has two years specialty training following dental school…

When should I schedule my baby’s first visit and how often should I bring them in?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends you bring your child in when you see their first tooth appear or by their first birthday and then every 6 months for examinations and cleanings.

Why is it so important to visit Dr. Jason’s office that often?

Good care of baby teeth is a must! Cavities spread rapidly in baby teeth because the enamel is thinner and it doesn’t take long for de-calcification of the enamel to cavitate and quickly lead to a toothache. Large cavities can lead to abscesses and more systemic life threatening infections. Large cavities also lead to space loss and poor development of the dental arches. Toothaches and abscesses lead to sleepless nights and missed time from school.

What can I expect during an appointment?

One of our wonderful dental assistants will examine your child’s mouth, teeth and gums. We will examine their teeth and may take x-rays, give fluoride, or apply sealants. Dr. Jason will complete the exam and answer any questions you have.

What are x-rays and are they safe?

X-rays are pictures of your teeth and are an important aid in detecting cavities as well as show all missing teeth, extra teeth or teeth that are not erupting in the appropriate area also called etopic eruption. Dr. Jason follows the specific guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to ensure that safety is always top priority.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a chemical that reduces tooth decay. It can be found naturally in some foods, but is often added to toothpaste or water.

When should my child start to receive fluoride?

Fluoride supplement for grown-up teeth forming should begin at 6 months for children that are not getting enough fluoride in their drinking water. Fluoride toothpaste is for the teeth that are in the mouth and can be used as soon as the child can spit it out.

What are sealants?

Sealants are thin plastic coatings placed on the back teeth – sort of like a shield for your teeth. Back teeth are full of places where germs called bacteria can hide and cause cavities. When sealants are applied they fill in these place so no bacteria can hide there.

How many teeth will your child have then they become an adult?

Once you start to lose your baby teeth, the number of teeth you have will change until all 32 of the adult teeth (16 upper & 16 lower) have come in.

When do baby teeth start to come in?

Amazingly your child is born with tiny teeth that have formed in their jawbone during the first trimester of pregnancy! From the time they are born until about their 3rd birthday 20 primary (baby teeth) will erupt. See diagram below:
A – Central Incisors – 8-13 months
B – Lateral Incisors – 8-13 months
C – Canines (cuspids) – 16-23 months
D – First Molars – 13-19 months
E – Second Molars – 25-44 months

A – Central Incisors – 6-10 months
B – Lateral Incisors – 10-16 months
C – Canines (cuspids) – 16-23 months
D – First Molars – 13-19 months
E – Second Molars – 23-31 months


When will my child start to loose their teeth?

Usually the lower front teeth will start to wiggle around the age of 5 1/2. Through the ages of 6 to approximately 13, your child will lose all 20 baby teeth and add 8 additional permanent molars.