
We know how hectic life can get. With school, soccer practices, piano recitals, grandparent visits, science fairs, and play rehearsals it can get hard to squeeze in time for that dental check-up. We do our best to accommodate to your schedule and work around your families needs. We do require appointments be made so that we can assure that your child gets the time and care they need. If it is necessary that your child has to miss part of a school day, we will gladly furnish them with a signed verification of the appointment time as to avoid any questioning looks from teachers and school secretaries.

We do our best to ensure that your child is seen at their designated time in an effort to reduce any stress that can be caused by idle and wandering little minds waiting in the lobby. Though we put great effort forward in treating your child without delay, we ask that you understand that there are instances when Dr. Jason needs to spend a little extra time with patients, sometimes causing brief hiccups in our speediness to see your child. However important maintaining a schedule can be, your child’s health takes top priority and any additional care needed will be provided.

Patients who are late for an appointment will likely be asked to wait until the next opening in the schedule or reschedule for a better time. Following the childhood mottoe, “no cuts in line,” we see patients according to their appointment time, regardless of their order of arrival to the office.

Broken Appointment Policy

Circumstances arise when a trip to the dentist is no longer feasible, we understand and will of course take no offense; we simply ask that you call 24 hours in advance so that we can fill your spot with another eager mouth. Though it might not be the right time for you, it may be the perfect opportunity for another child to make sure all that cotton candy hasn’t caused any damage. Just give us a call and we can reschedule without a problem; we promise, no interrogations regarding your alternative whereabouts.

In the event that you do forget that phone call, our office sends a courtesy letter waiving the $25 broken appointment fee and reminding you of our 24-hour cancellation policy. We all can forget now and then, though, in the event of a second no-show, you will be charged $25 for every child missing their appointment.

Children who rack up three no-shows will likely be asked to seek care elsewhere. By not giving notice of your change of plans, you are preventing another child from receiving care.

Consent and Medical History

Because your child is a minor, a parent or legal guardian must sign a written consent form before your child can be seen. No treatment will be performed without proper consent.

In order to ensure that your child receives safe and complete treatment, you must fill out a medical history report that will be kept on file. If you hit any bumps along the way or have questions, please do not hesitate to ask our receptionist staff. They know the forms as well as Dr. Jason knows teeth. In order for us to bill your insurance company and to schedule any further appointments, all administrative forms must be completed.

Foster children must have a medical history form completed by the person most familiar with their health history, and a consent form signed by the proper guardian. In addition, we ask for a copy of the custody papers for our records. Again, our friendly receptionist staff would be more than happy to guide you through this process. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Responsible Party

The person who brings the child to the office and takes the responsibility of signing the consent form and completing the medical history will be financially obligated to the account.

Method of Payment

Payment is expected upon arrival, unless you have established an alternative payment plan. We gladly accept cash, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Dental Insurance

For those with dental insurance, the estimated portion will be due at the time of your visit. In order to avoid any confusion or additional paper work, we will file your insurance claim with your provider. So please, know your insurance plan so we can assist you in the best way possible!

An estimate will be given by your provider for any work done, but please keep in mind that it is just that, an estimate. It’s likely a better estimation than guessing the number of beans in a giant jar, but we cannot guarantee the amount you will pay. It is difficult to determine the exact amount of insurance coverage, and it is not unusual after the insurance and patient have paid to have an outstanding balance or credit due to your account. If there is a balance due, you are responsible for the payment. In the event that there is an excess remaining, you can either choose to have it applied to future visits or simply have it refunded. It almost feels like free money!

The dental treatment for your child is diagnosed and prescribed on a need basis, not dependent on dental insurance coverage. A copy of your insurance card is needed upon your first visit or if your coverage has changed since your last appointment. DSHS patients must have a copy of their insurance the day of their visit or they will be asked to reschedule.

Patient Care & Management

Managing disruptive patient behavior and promoting quality care produces positive responses that work to dissolve the commonly held notion that the dentist is a scary place to be. Parents are invited to join their children while visiting Dr. Jason’s office and observe the special atmosphere and superior patient care that we provide.

When discussing treatment with Dr. Jason, the proper care option for your child will be evaluated. Our office provides an oral sedation, which in most cases we aim not to use. In the event that medication is needed, we are not willing to sacrifice your child’s safety or create any apprehension for future visits by avoiding necessary precautions.

The benefits of sedation include enhanced cooperation allowing the completion of the procedure, reduction of your child’s awareness thus eliminating any anxiety they may be experiencing, and allowing the dental treatment to be accomplished without setting a foot inside hospital. Dr. Jason will fully discuss the specifics of sedation when deemed necessary and address any worries you may have.

Automated Communication

In attempts to keep things running smoothly and flag that highlighted post-it note in your brain, we will attempt to confirm appointments one day prior to your visit. Our automated phone system will give you a friendly reminder of the day and time of your appointment, just in case it got lost in your overstuffed and sometimes unorganized planner.

When calling our office you may be asked to be put on hold due to the volume of calls we receive. Though we hope this is only a short moment, we do encourage you to listen to the automated information being given while on hold. It may answer your particular question or address any concerns that may have been looming in the back of your mind.